Kuok Keng Kang ( 1893 Fuzhou — 1948). His sons:
Phillip Kuok Hock Khee (18 May 1921–16 Dec 2003) Malaysian Ambassador to Germany, Yugoslavia, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Denmark
William Kuok Hock Ling (Jul 1922 – 1952)
Robert Kuok (6 Oct 1923 Johor Bahru)

Robert Kuok
Robert Kuok Hock Nien, is a Malaysian business magnate and investor of Chinese descent. His father Kuok Keng Kang came from Fuzhou to Malaysia as a teenager.
Here’s a bigger tree including his grand-nephew Kuok Khoon Hong.
Robert Kuok’s children from his first marriage: Ruth, Beau, Sue, Jill and Ean.
Ruth Kuok

Ruth married Paul Leese, and is the mother of Samantha Kuok Leese (journalist) and Alexandra Kuok Leese (photographer).
Ms. Ruth Kuok manages the Joyce M Kuok Foundation named after her late mother. The foundation made its first donation to CUHK (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) in 1987 to establish the Joyce M Kuok Foundation Scholarships.
Jill Kuok Friedman

Married to Sanford Friedman. Two children: Lea Woods Almanza, who lives in Hawaii and has two kids, and John, who lives in Singapore and has three sons and one daughter. John worked for Deutsche Bank for 7 years and then Morgan Stanley and now for Agfunder.com. Both childen attended Punahou school which is where Obama and Sun Yat Sen went to school. They both graduated from Cornell University. (Source, John)

Kuok Khoon Hua
Kouk Khoon Hua graduated from Harvard University in 2003. He the chairman of Kerry Holdings Ltd, a privately held subsidiary of Kuok Group Ltd, as well as serving as a director of Kerry Group and Kuok (Singapore) Ltd.
In addition to his positions with the family-controlled holding companies, Kuok Khoon Hua is an executive director of Hong Kong-listed Kerry Logistics Network Limited, and is slated to become chairman of the delivery firm at the time of its annual general meeting on 31 May.
He is also a non-independent, non-executive director of Singapore-listed agribusiness conglomerate Wilmar International Limited and an independent director of NYSE-listed shipping firm Sea Limited. (source)
Kuok Hui Kwong
Married name: Hui Kuok-Gaw. She is married to Bryan Pallop Gaw (吳繼霖) and they have two sons, Bryan is director of Kerry developments. Gaw has previous experience in private equity, management consulting, strategic planning and business development. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Princeton University and a Master of Business Administration from Stanford’s Graduate School of Business. Mr Gaw is the brother-in-law of Mr Kuok Khoon Hua, the Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company.

Richard Liu Tai-fung

Richard Liu Tai-fung (wikidata), relation unknown.
Ean Kuok
Ean Kuok married Chen Sui Kuok, they have 3 children: Meng Xiong Kuok, Meng Wei Kuok and Meng Jun Kuok
Kuok Khoon Hong
Kuok Khoon Hong is a Singaporean business magnate, entrepreneur and philanthropist. He is the co-founder, Chairman and CEO of Wilmar International, having built it into one of Asia’s leading agribusiness groups, and the world’s largest palm oil trader. He is also the Chairman of Perennial Real Estate Holdings Ltd. He has an estimated net worth of US$3.7 billion as of Jan 2021. (Wikipedia)
Meng Ru Kuok
Meng Ru Kuok is CEO of BandLab Technologies, a collective of global music brands headquartered in Singapore, which he founded in 2016. The BandLab Technologies portfolio includes digital, media, manufacturing and retail businesses focused on innovating for music creators and fans, with the aim of creating a connected world of music.
Meng is also the Managing Director of Swee Lee Music, music instrument and accessory retailer, which he has been leading since 2012, when he acquired the legacy music retailer and subsequently transformed it into one of the one of the largest musical instrument retail, distribution and e-commerce businesses across Southeast Asia. (source)
Meng Han Kuok

Meng Han Kuok is the founder and managing director of the privately company Camtech Diagnostics, a biotech startup established in 2011 that develops products for the biodefence, food and healthcare industries. Its rapid antibody test kits are said to detect past or present coronavirus strains that exist in an individual’s bloodstream. (Source) He first studied at Winchester College, and then completed his further studies at the University of Cambridge (PhD in Biotechnology). (LinkedIn)
Members in Standard Chinese
- 大伯郭钦錚
- 二伯郭钦暖
- 長子郭鶴青,新山中華商會首任主席
- 三伯郭钦端? — 1943[3]=林三妹
- 長子新山聞人丹斯里郭鶴堯1916–2012[2][4]、郭鶴鳴[1]
- 女兒郭芝珊、郭碧湖、郭碧娟、郭文卿、郭淑卿[1]
- 四伯郭钦仁[1]
- 長子郭鶴璟,豐盛港中華商會發起人之一[1][2]
- 五伯郭钦寶[1]
- 郭鶴瑞,曾任豐盛港中華商會主席[1],两子两女[5]
- 郭孔豐1947 — ,主管丰益国际、益海嘉里[5]
- 共四名子女[6]
- 三子郭孟儒1988 — ,新加坡BandLab科技有限公司(英语:BandLab Technologies)创始人兼首席执行官,暨中国瑞立丰益电子设备安装(上海)有限公司及瑞立上海贸易有限公司两家公司的董事长,并拥有新加坡本地吉他经销商Swee Lee Music。[6][7][8]
- Kuok Meng Han[9]
- 郭孔盛[5]
- 母親鄭格如1900–1995[1][2]
- 郭鶴舉(Philip Kuok)1921–2003=謝碧蓮[1][11]
- 长子郭孔辅,主要管理电视、广播等公司以及家族在菲律宾的企业[12][11]
- 次子郭孔錀,主管嘉里房地产有限公司。[12][11]
- 女儿郭安康[5]
- Jeremy Goon Kin Wai,丰益国际首席可持续发展员(英语:Chief sustainability officer)[9][13]
- 女儿郭炎康=刘泰丰(Richard Liu),主管嘉里贸易公司(Kerry Trading)及嘉里饮料公司(Kerry Beverages)。[5][12][11][14]
- 郭鶴齡(William Kuok)1922–1953[1][5]
- 郭鶴年1923 — (Robert Kuok)[1]=謝碧蓉(Joyce)[10]、何寶蓮(Pauline)[10],兩段婚姻共8名子女[15]
- 大房謝碧蓉
- 郭孔丞(Beau)1947 — =本田由美子,2009年离婚[9][16][17][18]
- 郭孔演(Ean)1955 — =Kuok Cheng Sui[9][7][16]
- Kuok Meng Wei[9]
- 郭孟雄[7]
- 郭孟浚=未婚妻陈雅思,2016年香港小姐季军[19]
- 郭敏光(Ruth)=Paul Leese,现居澳洲。[17][9][20]
- 女儿Alexandra Kuok Leese1988 — ,现居英国伦敦(摄影师)。[9][21]
- 女儿Samantha Kuok Leese,现居泰国曼谷 (记者)。[9][22]
- 郭绮光(Jill)=Sanford Friedman,福德瑞大学(英语:Devry University)教授,两人现居美国夏威夷檀香山。[17][9][23][24]
- 儿子John Friedman,现居新加坡[9][25]
- 三子一女[9]
- 女儿Lea Woods Almanza=Joshua Almanza,现居夏威夷[9][26]
- 儿子Jacob2009 — [26]
- 女儿Maria2011 — [26]
- 郭璇光(Sue,婚后为Suraya Abdullah)=拉希德·侯赛因(英语:Rashid Hussain)1946 — ,兴业银行(马来西亚)(英语:RHB Bank)创办人,具有父系阿拉伯及母系马来血统,两人1989年结婚。[17][9][27][28]
- 数名子女[29]
- 二房何寶蓮,三名子女[16]
- 儿子郭孔华1979 — [30][31],2019年4月任嘉里物流联网主席[32]
- 女儿郭惠光1978 — [31]=吴继霖,香港南联实业创办人周文轩外孙、周文轩次女周薇青之子[7]
- 郭燕光(Yen)1990 —
- 小妾[34]
- 三个子女[34]