Johann Strauss family tree
Johann Strauss family tree
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List of members:
Franz Borgias Strauss (1764–1816)
⚭ Barbara Dollmann (1770–1811)
Ernestine Strauss (1798–1862)
⚭ Karl Fux (1805–1859)
Anna Strauss (1802–1802)
Johann Strauss (father) / I. (born March 14, 1804 in Leopoldstadt , incorporated into Vienna in 1850; † September 25, 1849 in Vienna; signature: Strauſs)
⚭ 1. 1825 (Maria) Anna Streim (1801–1870)
Johann Strauss (son) / II. (Born October 25, 1825 in St. Ulrich near Vienna , incorporated into Vienna in 1850; † June 3, 1899 in Vienna; signature: Strauſs)
1. ⚭ 1862 (Catholic) Henriette Chalupetzky (1818 –1878)
2. ⚭ 1878 (Catholic → possibly after separation of table and bed) Angelika Dittrich (1850–1919), separated in 1882
3. ⚭ 1882 (possibly) Adele Deutsch (1856–1930; signature: “Frau Johann Ostriches “)
Josef Strauss (born August 20, 1827 in Mariahilf , incorporated into Vienna in 1850, † July 22, 1870 in Vienna)
⚭ 1857 Caroline Pruckmayer (1831–1900)
Karoline Strauss (1858–1919)
⚭ Anton Aigner (1845–1910)
(This line continues under the name Aigner to this day)
Anna Strauss (1829–1903)
Therese Strauss (1831–1915)
Ferdinand Strauss (1834–1834)
Eduard Strauss I (born March 15, 1835 in Leopoldstadt , part of Vienna since 1850; † December 28, 1916 in Vienna; visiting card: Strauſs)
⚭ Maria Klenkhart (1840–1921)
Johann Strauss (grandson) / III. (1866–1939; signature: Strauss)
⚭ Maria Hofer (1867–1939)
Johann Strauss (1895–1972)
⚭ Margot Stern (1898–1996)
Johann Strauss (1924–1993)
⚭ Edith Heidenreich (1927–2011)
Eduard Strauss (1897–1897)
Maria Strauss (1900–1986)
Angelika Strauss (1901–1979)
⚭ Leonid Wolpe
Josef Strauss (1868–1940)
⚭ Cäcilie Žak (1878–1951)
Josef Strauss (1907–1988)
Maria Strauss (1908–1966)
Eduard Strauss II . (* March 24, 1910; † April 6, 1969; conductor)
⚭ December 27, 1950 Elisabeth Pontes (* 1919; † 2001)
Eduard Strauss . (* 1955; Richter, 1987–1991 President of the Johann Strauss Society Vienna ; since 1995 Chairman of the Vienna Institute for Strauss Research , honorary member of the British, Swedish, German and Czech Johann Strauss Societies)
Johann Strauss (father) (1804–1849)
2. ⚭ Emilie Trampusch (born July 30, 1814 in Saar ( Moravia ); † after 1865, actress after the death of Johann Strauss father)
Emilie Theresia Johanna (* May 18, 1835; † after 1878; actress)
Johann Wilhelm (born May 28, 1836 — † August 30, 1864; railway official)
Clementina Emilia Elisabeth Theresia (born November 19, 1837; † after 1878; flower maker)
Carl Joseph (born July 20, 1840 — † August 11, 1840)
Joseph Moritz (born January 8, 1842 — † January 18, 1842)
Maria Wilhelmine (born April 25, 1843 — † November 4, 1849)
Theresia Karolina (born September 22, 1844 — † August 2, 1851)
Wilhelmine (born May 26, 1846 — † June 8, 1846)
Franz Strauss (1805–1806)
Josefa Strauss (1807–1808)