How and where to learn Indonesian

How and where to learn Indonesian

Online Resources

How and where to learn Indonesian

Online Resources


I can really recommend Pimsleur. It’s nice to listen to it at night and learn the basics well.

Universities in Germany


The department of Arabistik / Islamwissenschaft offers two Indonesian courses with each 6 Credits taught by Koschorke, Judith (Course: 2020)


Heidelberg University offers basic Indonesian course by the knowledgable Dr. Lany Probojo. Two Courses (each 5ECTS) are offered, rather basic with few students


Goethe University Frankfurt offers a Master in Southeast Asian Studies with a great focus on language. Indonesian classes are offered in four different levels (2 hours a week) in German by Nothofer, Bernd.

United Kingdom


The SOAS of University of London offers part-time Indonesian courses.

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