Family tree of Sugianto Kusuma
Family tree of Sugianto Kusuma
Father-in-law of Ekman Tjandranegara
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Siblings: Budiarto Halim, Sintawati Halim; Nephew: Richard Halim
Ardy Hady Wijaya: Nephew Richard Halim
Jhonny Kesuma and Sugianto Kusuma are apparently brothers.
Lareina Kusuma
Lareina Kusuma is one of the masterminds behind PT Graha Lifestyle and Soho Boutique. The daughter of prominent Indonesian businessman Sugianto Kusuma, she is also a shareholder in PT Catur Kusuma Abadijaya, a subsidiary company of PT Bank Artha Graha International.
Richard Halim Kusuma
Indonesian citizen living in Jakarta. He completed his studies in Management Studies at Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, from 1998 to 2004.
He started his career as Director of PT KIA Mobil Indonesia from 2002 to 2004 and Director of PT Elang Perdana from 2004 to 2006. He is now concurrently serving as Director of PT Agung Sedayu and Commissioner of PT Bank Artha Graha International Tbk.
He was appointed as Commissioner of the Company in Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on December 16, 2010, based on Deed №34 dated December 16, 2010, concerning the Statement of Resolutions of the Company’s Extraordinary General Meeting Shareholders.
As Commissioner, Mr. Richard Halim Kusuma is affiliated to President Director of the Company Mr. Budiarto Halim, to Director of the Company Mrs. Sintawati Halim, and President Commissioner of the Company Mr. Ardy Hady Wijaya, as a nephew.
Sintawati Halim
Indonesian citizen living in North Jakarta. She earned her Master of Business Administration degree in Finance/International Business from New York University, Leonard N. Stern School of Business, the United States, in 1989, and her Bachelor of Science degree (Cum Laude with Honors) majoring in Computers Application and Information System from College of Business and Public Administration, New York University, the United States, in 1985.
She started her career as Finance and Administration Director of Compaq Computer Indonesia from 2001 to 2002, Industry Standard Servers Director (Enterprise Systems Group) of Hewlett-Packard Indonesia from 2002 until 2003, and Senior VP Finance of PT Mobile-8 Telecom from 2003 to 2008.
She is now concurrently serving as Commissioner of PT Sinar Eka Selaras, Commissioner of PT Erafone Artha Retailindo, Commissioner of PT Azec Indonesia Management Services, Director of Erajaya Swasembada Pte. Ltd., Director of Erajaya Holding Pte. Ltd., Director of Era Property Holding Pte. Ltd., Commissioner of PT Multi Media Selular, Commissioner of PT Data Media Telekomunikasi, Commissioner of PT Prakarsa Prima Sentosa, Commissioner of PT Erafone Dotcom, dan Commissioner of PT Nusa Abadi Sukses Artha.
She was appointed as Director of the Company on December 16, 2008, based on the Deed of Minutes of the Company’s Extraordinary General Meetings of Shareholders Number 34.
As Director, Mrs. Sintawati Halim is affiliated to President Commissioner of the Company Mr. Ardy Hady Wijaya, as a sister-in-law, to President Director of the Company Mr. Budiarto Halim, as a sister, and to Commissioner of the Company Mr. Richard Halim Kusuma, as aunty.
Budiarto Halim
President Director
Indonesian citizen living in Jakarta. He earned his Bachelor of Business Administration Degree from San Fransisco State University, the United States, in 1990. He was awarded The Indonesia Entrepreneur of The Year”2012 from Ernst and Young.
Prior to joining the Company, he was Director of PT Puspita Bisnispuri from 1997 to 2000, CEO of PT KIA Mobil Indonesia from 2000 to 2005, Commissioner of PT Erafone Dotcom from 2008 to 2013, Commissioner of PT Multi Media Selular from 2008 to 2010, Director of PT Multi Media Selular from 2010 to 2011, Commissioner of PT Mobile World Indonesia from 2010 to 2014, Commissioner of PT Data Media Telekomunikasi from 2010 to 2011, Director of PT Era Sukses Abadi from 2011 to 2015, President Director of PT Erafone Artha Retailindo from 2008 to 2012, Commissioner of PT Erafone Artha Retailindo from 2012 to 2014, and President Director of Prima Pesona Prakarsa from 2012 to 2016.
As of 2020, he is serving as President Director of PT Sinar Eka Selaras, Commissioner of PT Mega Mulia Servindo, Director of Era International Network Sdn. Bhd., Director of Era International Network Pte. Ltd., President Director of PT Erafone Artha Retailindo, President Director of PT Nusa Gemilang Abadi, President Director of PT Era Sukses Abadi, Commissioner of PT Inovedia Magna Global, Commissioner of PT Teletama Artha Mandiri, Commissioner of PT Mitra International Indonesia, Director of Erajaya Swasembada Pte. Ltd., Commissioner of PT Indonesia Orisinil Teknologi, Commissioner of PT Data Tekno Indotama, Commissioner of PT Jagad Utama Lestari, Commissioner of PT Asia Anug
rah Teknologi Indonesia, Director of Erajaya Holding Pte. Ltd., President Director of PT Data Citra Mandiri, President Director of PT Prima Pesona Prakarsa, President Director of PT Erafone Dotcom, Director of CG Computers Sdn. Bhd., President Director of PT Nusa Abadi Sukses Artha, Director of Techero Sdn. Bhd., Director of Erafone Retails Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., Director of Switch Concept Sdn. Bhd., and Director of Urban Republic Sdn. Bhd.
He was appointed as President Director of the Company on June 1, 2011, based on the Statement of Resolutions of the Company’s Extraordinary General Meetings of Shareholders Number 3.
As President Director, Mr. Budiarto Halim is affiliated to President Commissioner of the Company Mr. Ardy Hady Wijaya, as younger brother-in-law, to Director of the Company Mrs. Sintawati Halim as a brother, and to Commissioner of the Company Mr. Richard Halim Kusuma, as an uncle.