Singapore’s leading landlords with their Royal Holdings/RB Capital property empire
Father-son pair, Raj Kumar and Kishin RK, are among Singapore’s leading landlords with their Royal Holdings/RB Capital property empire.
The duo have been on a dealmaking spree after a 2011 family settlement between Raj and his younger sibling Asok Kumar Hiranandani, also a billionaire.

Kishin RK
Kishin RK was born as Kishin Hiranandani in 1983. His father, Raj Kumar, is a real estate mogul and the founder of Royal Holdings, a multi-billion dollar real estate business. As he grew up, Kishin dropped the Hiranandani surname and adopted his father’s initials instead, thus going by Kishin RK. Kishin’s uncle is Asok Kumar Hiranandani, the founder and chairman of Royal Group Holdings, a multi-billion dollar property investment company that owns properties such as the Sofitel Sentosa Resort and Raffles Villa.
Bobby Hiranandani
Bobby Hiranandani, son of property tycoon Asok Kumar Hiranandani, joined Royal Group in 2009 after he graduated in Building and Construction Management. Bobby brings the necessary skills in building and developing hotels and offices which complements with the overall group’s strategy and philosophy.
Bobby married Shaila, the daughter of Tanwani Group’s Kumar and Mona Tanwani