Burjorji Godrej’s family tree

Burjorji Godrej’s family tree


Burjorji Godrej’s family tree

Pirojsha had three sons, Sohrab, Burjor, who married Jai Dastur, and Naval, who married Soonoo Dastur. He also had a daughter named Dosa, who married Kaikhushroo Naoroji. Pirojsha’s young wife Soonabai died in Mussooriedue to the influenza epidemic.

Naval Godrej (1916–1990) has a son Jamshyd Godrej (1949-) and a grandson Navroze Godrej.

Burjor Godrej (1915–1994) has two sons Adi Godjrej (1942-) and Nadir Godrej (1951-). Adi’s children are Projsha Godrej, Tanya Dubash and Nisa Godrej.

Full Family tree

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