Burjorji Godrej’s family tree
Burjorji Godrej’s family tree
Pirojsha had three sons, Sohrab, Burjor, who married Jai Dastur, and Naval, who married Soonoo Dastur. He also had a daughter named Dosa, who married Kaikhushroo Naoroji. Pirojsha’s young wife Soonabai died in Mussooriedue to the influenza epidemic.
Naval Godrej (1916–1990) has a son Jamshyd Godrej (1949-) and a grandson Navroze Godrej.
Burjor Godrej (1915–1994) has two sons Adi Godjrej (1942-) and Nadir Godrej (1951-). Adi’s children are Projsha Godrej, Tanya Dubash and Nisa Godrej.
Family tree of Burjorji Godrej – EntiTree
Visualize the family tree on a dynamic, navigable tree diagram.www.entitree.com
Visualize the family tree on a dynamic, navigable tree diagram.www.entitree.com
Nadir Godrej has two sons: Hormuzd Godrej and Burjis Godrej