SpongeBob SquarePants Family Tree

SpongeBob SquarePants Family Tree

SpongeBob Squarepants is an American animated series on Nickelodeon. It is the fifth-longest running Animated series and officially…

SpongeBob SquarePants Family Tree

SpongeBob Squarepants is an American animated series on Nickelodeon. It is the fifth-longest running Animated series and officially premiered on July 17, 1999. It has won various awards such as Annie Awards, Golden Reel Awards, Emmy Awards, Kid’s Choice Awards and BAFTA Children Awards. The story takes place in a fictional underwater city, Bikini Bottoms.

SpongeBob SquarePants’ Family Tree

Grandpa SquarePants is first mentioned in the episode “Rock Bottom” and shares a similar facial feature with SpongeBob, but his age is apparent from his white hair, wrinkled skin, slouch and walking stick.

Grandma SquarePants is a recurring character that was retired in the year 2018. She is an affectionate person and showers SpongeBob with kisses frequently besides baking cookies and knitting sweaters. She is depicted as a light orange round sponge, with light purple hair and wears glasses.

Harold SquarePants is drawn as a round sponge, light brown with dark brown holes. He has a grey moustache and wears glasses. His outfit is also slightly similar to SpongeBob, and at one point did have an office job. He is a cheerful person and enjoys taking care of his family.

Margaret SquarePants is also drawn as a round sponge, light orange with dark holes and black hair. Before marriage, her name was Margaret BubbleBottom and lived with her husband alone, after SpongeBob moved out of their house.

Captain Blue SquarePants is a round sponge, light orange with dark holes and grey beard. He used to be a police officer but later retired. He enjoys drinking clam tomato chowder juice and listening to country music.

SpongeBob SquarePants is the main character in the show. He is drawn as a kitchen sponge instead as a round sponge. He has a happy-go-lucky persona and is quite naive. He holds a job as a fry cook at Krusty Krab and does his work zealously. His best friend also neighbour is Patrick Star, a pink coral starfish and portrayed slightly dim-witted. His enemy is Plankton who tries to steal the Krabby Patty formula now and then.


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