Family tree of Tiong Hiew King
Family tree of Tiong Hiew King
Tan Sri Datuk Tiong Hiew King is the Malaysian Chinese founder and chairman of the Rimbunan Hijau Group, a timber company founded in 1975. Its overseas timber operations in Papua New Guinea is the largest in that country

Company photo

Children: Tiong Chiong Hoo, Tiong Choon, Tiong Chiong Ong, Tiong Ing, Tiong Ching, Tiong Chiew
Siblings: Tiong Thai King
Tiong Choon
Tiong Choon, was appointed as a non-executive Director of One Media Group on 1st December 2017 and appointed as the Chairman of One Media Group on 1st April 2018. She is an executive director of Media Chinese, the holding company of the Company which is listed on The Stock Exchange and Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad. Ms. Tiong has started her career with Rimbunan Hijau Group since 1991 and served in various managerial and senior positions in plantation and hospitality sectors. She holds a Bachelor of Economics Degree from Monash University, Australia.
She is currently a non-independent non-executive director of Jaya Tiasa Holdings Berhad, a listed company in Malaysia.
Ms. Tiong is a daughter of Tan Sri Datuk Sir TIONG Hiew King, a niece of Dato’ Sri Dr. TIONG Ik King and a distant relative of Mr. TIONG Kiew Chiong. Both Tan Sri Datuk Sir TIONG Hiew King and Dato’ Sri Dr. TIONG Ik King are substantial Shareholders of the Company, Mr. TIONG Kiew Chiong is the Deputy Chairman and an executive Director of the Company.
Tiong Chiong Ong

Mr. Tiong Chiong Ong, was appointed to the Board of RSB on 14 February 2006 and was subsequently appointed as Managing Director of RSB on 15 February 2006. On 26 December 2018, he was redesignated as Executive Director of RSB from his previous position as Non-Executive Chairman. He is also a member of Risk Management Committee.
Mr. Tiong graduated with a Bachelor of Law and Economics from Monash University, Australia in 1984 and joined RH Group in 1986. He started his career as a chambering student and underwent chambering at Skrine and Co. in Kuala Lumpur for nine (9) months. He is a member of CPA Australia and is a member of the Victorian and Sarawak Bar and the Malaysian Institute of Accountants.
Mr. Tiong is a businessman with extensive experience in various capacities in the timber and plantation industries. He also holds directorship in several private limited companies.
Under his leadership, RSB was presented the 2012 Top Award for the Best Performing Stock in the Plantation Sector by the EDGE Billion Ringgit Club, Malaysia. In 2013, Mr. Tiong was presented the IPD HRD Leadership Award by the Institute of Professional Development, Open University Malaysia in acknowledgement and in recognition of his exemplary leadership and outstanding contribution to the promotion of Human Capital Development efforts in the plantation industry. — Source