Family tree of Oei Hong Leong
Family tree of Oei Hong Leong
Family and more about the Singaporean billionarie

Oei Hong Leong is a Singaporean billionaire businessman. He collects Buddhist art, and owns the private Nei Xue Tang museum in Singapore, which has more than 50,000 pieces.
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In this article we will discuss the family tree of Eka Tjipta Widjaja, a Chinese-Indonesian business magnate who…

He is married to Angela Oei and has four children. Little is known about his 4 daughters, they don’t seem to have business positions in his ventures.

His daughter Alice Oei married Matthew Song (HSBC’s Head of Equity Capital Markets for Southeast Asia). His other daughters were were seen at Singapore’s chanel cruise party. (link)
Alice Oei

The Taler writes about the Marriage of Alice Oei with Matthey Song: “Laced with elegance, modern sophistication, tradition and a touch of drama, the wedding of Matthew Song and Alice Oei was an opulent soiree which also demonstrated the tenderness of a father’s love.”
In 2020, Alice says that: “I think it would be disingenuous to say I have grown from the Covid-19 experience. It has humbled me, however, to watch friends and family in the medical field put themselves at risk. I am grateful to them for their roles in controlling the pandemic.
I’ve become a competent sous chef in the kitchen — able to multitask with precision, slice, dice and chop to the executive chef’s (her husband Matthew Song) satisfaction.
During the lockdown, I discovered the pleasures of Netflix. I have never been a fan of watching television. My girlfriends laugh about sleepless nights glued to their Korean drama series and I have never watched a single one — till recently, that is. And I like it. Lots of catching up to do in the K-drama world before I can follow my girlfriends’ avid discussions. And I’ll be watching — for the first time — some classics like Grey’s Anatomyand Friends soon.
Also, a Facebook memory popped up last week; it was a video of a bride thanking her parents during the wedding banquet. Her heartfelt words reminded me how much my own parents had given me and done for me. ‘You often ask if I have enough, when you’ve already given me so much.’ There isn’t much I can do for my parents except to stay out of trouble and be happy. I hope I achieve something that makes them proud.” — writes PrestigeOnline