Family tree of Arifin Panigoro
Family tree of Arifin Panigoro
Arifin Panigoro (born in Bandung , West Java , March 14, 1945 ; age 76 years) is an Indonesian businessman of Gorontalo blood who is nicknamed “the King of Indonesian Oil”. His parents came from Gorontalo who migrated to Java Island before independence. Panigoro’s extended family comes from Potanga, a village in Gorontalo District , Gorontalo Province .

Arifin Panigoro is known as the founder and owner of MedcoEnergi , the largest private oil and gas mining company in Indonesia. Currently, he has joined in establishing a new party called the Democratic Renewal Party together with Sophan Sophiaan , Laksamana Sukardi , Roy BB Janis , Sukowaluyo Mintorahardjo , Noviantika Nasution , Didi Supriyanto , Tjiandra Wijaya , Potsdam Hutasoit , and RO Tambunan .
Wife: Raisis Arifin Panigoro
Maera Arifin Panigoro
Yasser Raimi Arifin Panigoro